EMDR and how it helps

  • Builds a “head & heart” connection

    Sometimes we “know” something even if we don’t “feel it.” My most general example is that we know logically that we are not alone, but most of the time we don’t feel that in our hearts. EMDR helps us to connect the head and heart and put them on the same page so that what we know logically, becomes what we believe!

  • No more guessing or having to share every detail!

    EMDR helps to identify what specific events in your life have caused you to have negative feelings about yourself. Sometimes, people come in looking for answers because they actually don’t know why they are depressed or anxious. EMDR can help to identify what the brain and body are storing even when we don’t consciously think about it on a daily basis! This takes out the guess work for both you and I and works for a faster healing process.

  • Helps to replace negative thoughts

    While reprocessing the identified memories that we come up with, we replace the false negative (and false!) core belief about yourself that you have believed for so long and replace it with a positive one. For example: “I’m not good enough” to “I am more than enough.” This actually deepens the positive belief more while processing each event, making it easier to believe in your present life as well!

  • Helps you to slow down

    Feedback from many of my clients is that EMDR Therapy has helped them slow down and be ale to evaluate situations better. For example, many clients explain that instead of having an anger outburst, they were able to walk way or actually use a coping skill instead of having an outburst. This has improved their communication skills and relationships with others.

  • Helps give a better perspective

    With EMDR, you can start looking at your negative experience as a survivor and not a victim (even though that may be true, that’s not all you are!). It can shift your view from something that happened to you to something that you overcame. You can then bring this perspective into current or future circumstances.

  • Lessens or takes away symptoms

    Often people who have negative experiences have negative effects such as nightmares, flashbacks, intrusive and unwanted thoughts, avoidance of places, people, or memories, or a negative outlook on people or the world. Some people experience problems with being on the defense constantly, physical pain associated with the events, poor boundaries or connections with others, or low self-esteem among other things. EMDR therapy helps to lessen or take away those symptoms.